Sunday, January 6, 2008


Sir and I had a long conversation the other night... I have mentioned before that there are things he can do or say to put me in my place. Caught off guard by a comment which seemed to have come from no where.... "do you want to be a slave girl?" Stuttering was not an option as he quickly reminded me that he was waiting for an answer. It led to this long conversation about what I wanted to be to him, what it meant to me, what his expectations where... I love our conversations like this. They can be about it was about objectifying, respect, and the difference between ignorance and confidence... These conversations... they are what make me feel like a little girl. It is like a trigger that goes off in my head that sends me directly to my bubble... Do not pass go... do not collect $200. It's my safe place... there, at his feet, where I belong. These are the good days....

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